Quick update. Saturday August 30th

Want to let everyone know things are still going great! I seem to be tolerating the chemo quite well. Any sign of nausea so far I am given medication for and it has really been effective. I am very tired and run down but I still get up and walk around quite a bit. I feel like an elephant walking around shaking the floors. I have gained 10 pounds in three days from the IV fluids. So they took me off that today since my kidneys are doing well. As the chemo begins to kill the cancer cells they want to make sure there is enough fluid to carry the broken cancer cells through my kidney without any problems and so far I am doing fine. I found out I will NOT be able to do the backpack chemo at home for all of my following chemo cycles but I am completely okay with that. There is no way I can do this at home. And I wouldn’t feel safe doing it either. So I am thankful this doctor didn’t even give me the option. I also have to have another spinal tap on Tuesday. This is what I said I NEVER wanted to have again. But it’s quick and It will be fine. It is to inject preventative chemo into my spine basically to prevent cancer spreading to CNS and brain. I will have to have about 4 of those I believe over time. I have been getting headaches and having a hard time sleeping but the nurses have been great and taking care of what I need. A sleeping medication last night was very helpful. I have had a lot of visitors keeping me company and bringing me magazines and food. I am officially sick of hospital food. But I don’t have much of an appetite anyway. The farther out I wonder from my room the more looks I get. It is a weird feeling especially when kids look at me. Adults look and turn away real fast. Kids just keep looking. I know that’s normal. It doesn’t necessarily make me uncomfortable, it just makes me wonder what is going through their minds. And it makes me wonder who they are here for. A parent? Grandparent? Cancer is such a scary thing to everyone , it’s still so hard to believe that big scary thing is starting to become so normal to me now.

3 thoughts on “Quick update. Saturday August 30th

  1. Jennifer Gaida

    Amy it is good to hear things are going good. I think of you often so it is so great that you started this blog. You are going to kick cancers butt!!! Take care ❤️


  2. bree

    Im glad things are still going good too. Are people bringing you food too if you dont like the hospital food?you need to eat to keep your strength (although i know you know that) thats the mother in me talking. More spinal taps im sorry…. i hope it goes better than the first..im thinking of you daily xoxo


  3. Jennifer

    Amy, I am so happy to hear the chemo is going well. I for one am truly grateful that you able hand the IV so well. Your Amazing & Beautiful even with IV cart trailing behind you. I’d start start sticking out my tongue at everyone–but I know that’s not you. Please take care Happy Labor Day! Love ya.


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